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These days, it’s important for children to develop a healthy relationship with the natural world. Our outdoor camps provide an incredible opportunity for kids to unplug and explore nature, all while making new friends and acquiring valuable life skills. Today, we’ll delve into the key benefits of spending time outdoors and discover five ways kids’ outdoor camps help them reconnect with nature.


What are the benefits of reconnecting with nature? 

Spending time in nature is not just about enjoying the scenery. It offers an array of benefits that contribute to children’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. In fact, research from the Mental Health Foundation shows that people who feel a strong connection with nature tend to be happier and experience lower levels of poor mental health. Kids who play outside are more likely to be active, which is essential for their overall physical health. Moreover, nature provides a rich, multisensory learning environment that can boost cognitive development,  encourage curiosity and spark creativity. 


5 Ways outdoor camps help kids reconnect with nature

1. Hands-on learning

Outdoor camps offer a unique, hands-on approach to learning that is often missing in traditional classroom settings. Kids can identify plants, observe wildlife, build shelters, and scale trees through our Tree Climb, Survivor, and Bushcraft activities. These hands-on experiences foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world, making each moment an adventure in discovery.

2. Develop outdoor skills

Our adventure camps offer a complete outdoor experience where kids learn essential life skills. For example, they can master the art of fire lighting safely and shelter building. These skills are not only practical but also instil a sense of independence and confidence, encouraging children to engage more deeply with their surroundings.

3. Promote physical activity

Outdoor camps are very synonymous with physical activity. From hiking and swimming to climbing and canoeing, they provide endless opportunities for kids to stay active. This is crucial for children’s health, promoting cardiovascular fitness, strengthening muscles, and enhancing coordination. Beyond the physical benefits, staying active outdoors helps to stimulate the production of endorphins, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression.

4. Encourages digital detox

Want to limit your kids’ screen time? Outdoor camps are the answer! They offer a much-needed break from the digital world, allowing children to reset their minds and bodies, and most importantly, reconnect with nature. Without the constant distraction of devices, kids are more present and mindful, appreciating the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world around them.

5. Build relationships

Finally, outdoor camps are a fantastic way for kids to build and strengthen relationships. Whether they are working on problem-solving tasks or climbing Jacob’s Ladder, being in a natural setting helps to strip away any social pressures,  allowing children to connect more authentically with one another and create lasting memories. 


Reconnect with nature on a PGL adventure camp!

If you’re looking for an unforgettable way for your child to reconnect with nature, consider booking a PGL adventure camp

We offer the perfect blend of adventure, learning and fun with a vast selection of exciting multi-activities alongside our TRAILBLAZE! Specialist Adventures, including, Cool Science, Watersports, Bushcraft and much more! 

Get in touch with our friendly and experienced team today to see how we can help.

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