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Drop off and collection times

Many children travel to and from our centres using our escorted travel service. If you prefer to drop off your children at our centres yourself, please find below the drop off and collection time for our Kids’ Camps.

If you are not able to drop your child off or pick them up between these times, please give us a call at least three days before your arrival day. We make a £10.00 per child, per hour charge where children are dropped off earlier, or depart later, than the times above. During these periods we won’t be running activities as per our Multi-Activity programme therefore children will be supervised but provided with games and free-time activities in order to entertain themselves.

7 Night EXPLORE! Adventure or TRAILBLAZE! Adventure camps

Arrive: Saturday, between 3pm and 5pm (first meal: dinner)

Depart: Saturday, between 9am and 11am (last meal: breakfast)

4 Night EXPLORE! Adventure camps (Tuesday to Saturday)

Arrive: Tuesday, between 11:30am and 12pm (first meal: lunch)

Depart: Saturday, between 9am and 11am (last meal: breakfast)

4 Night EXPLORE! Adventure camps (Monday to Friday)

Arrive: Monday, between 8:30am and 9am (first meal: lunch)

Depart: Friday, between 5:30pm and 6pm (last meal: lunch)

3 Night DISCOVER! Adventure camps (Saturday to Tuesday)

Arrive: Saturday, between 3pm and 5pm (first meal: dinner)

Depart: Tuesday, between 1pm and 2pm (last meal: lunch)

2 Night DISCOVER! Adventure camps (Tuesday to Thursday)

Arrive: Tuesday, between 8:30am and 10am (first meal: lunch)

Depart: Thursday, between 6:30pm and 7:30pm (last meal: dinner)

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